Thursday, September 9, 2010


There are a lot of metaphors for learning to be a "mature Christian." I've heard "iron sharpens iron." The apostle Paul refers to it as "running the race," "putting on the whole armor of God," "straining forward to what lies ahead," and of course the metaphors of a soldier and an athlete. However, the image I like best refers to simply walking with God, and it is the one that runs throughout the bible. Enoch was the first man to never die and the reason he didn't die is because he walked with God. The disciples walked everywhere with Jesus, and learned from him as they went. It was while walking with two disciples on the way to Emmaus that Jesus explained how God had been working to save the world since the fall through Abraham, Moses, all the covenants and the prophets, and is still working to save the world through Jesus Christ. You can learn a lot about someone by just taking a walk. Perhaps today is a good day to take a walk with someone you love. Perhaps today is a good day to take a walk with God.

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