Thursday, October 7, 2010

Look Up

About 6:15 this morning I stepped out on my back porch and saw something I haven't seen in a long time. The air was cool and crisp in the autumn air. Everything touching God's green earth was still shrouded in darkness; but the stars shone out above me. There's just something about the bigness of the sky that helps me to put things back into perspective. I saw what could be the prettiest Orion's Belt I've ever seen. It really put Matthew 13:11-17 into perspective. Jesus is telling the disciples that Isaiah's prophecy has come true in the way the Pharisees refuse to see and hear God's truth. I used to think they were like children covering there ears and making noise with their mouths so they wouldn't have to hear something their parents said. I wonder if they were just so caught up in the things happening on God's green earth they stopped looking up. Sure they went through the motions to pray to God on a regular basis. I don't doubt they prayed, but I wonder if they were still looking up with their hearts.

Here lately I've been so covered up trying to keep my head above water the times I've tried to pray to God have felt,... I don't know... empty. Thankfully this morning I looked up and saw the stars in what feels like the first time in a long time. It reminded me that even though today is my birthday; my wife is TOBP (tired of being pregnant), our baby is due any day, and it's that time of the semester where tests and papers start being due all at the same time - there is love out past the horizon of my business. There is hope just passed the pile of things I worry about, and try to control. I cannot just keep plugging away with my head down. When my head is down all I can see is the dirt, and it's harder to find the time to look up to heaven. Thankfully God reminded me this morning of the wonder of God's love.

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