Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Good Life

This morning I was reading from Psalm 16. According to the English Standard Version (ESV) of the Bible the title of this Psalm is "You Will Not Abandon My Soul." This Psalm is like many Psalms in that it focuses on trusting in the Lord and taking refuge in God's grace. Today this Psalm speaks to me as I try to rest in January while I am not taking a class. However, even without classes it is not easy to rest in January. There are scholarships to apply for, books to read before the spring semester and before Evan starts teething, or perhaps crawling. Plus it is time to start looking for a job. I promised Karen we would only be in Wilmore two years when we got married, and our time in Wilmore, Kentucky, is drawing to a close. I still have a year of school left, but I can take those courses on line, and should still be able to finish in time. There are a lot of things to figure out. As I delve into that process Psalm 16 helps me to remember from whence my strength comes. It is entirely too easy for me to run off and try to handle things on my own. Where is the faith in trying to do things without God? I am too familiar with those particular sins which specifically call me after other gods. I know that misery and sorrow. I do not want to follow the old gods. I will put my trust in the Lord. YHWH is not safe, and the paths He asks us to walk are not easy, but God is Good. I will follow His will for my life and my family as best as I am able. This is a good life. Wouldn't you like to live the good life?

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