Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Psalm 29

I am taking a preaching class and a couple of weeks ago I chose Psalm 29 as the passage I would preach from first. It was one from a list the professor assigned. As I have been praying about what message God would have me to reveal from Psalm 29 the earthquake and tsunami in Japan have weighed heavily on my mind. Psalm 29 makes it very clear God is over the waters, and his voice can boom like thunder. There is tremendous power in the voice of God over all things. One commentary went so far to say Psalm 29 places God, enthroned over the waters of chaos. Japan has certainly seen its fair share of chaos - especially with the impending nuclear threat. Japan would seem to be struggling against earth, fire, and water. I am sure there are those who would say, "Where is God if He is enthroned over the waters of chaos, and if His voice is so powerful?" The "Where is God" question in the face of tragedy is always difficult. The answer is tied up in God's character, the gift of free choice to human beings, and the Fall. This is a blog and not a term paper so I won't give the long winded answer. I'd rather focus on the last verse of Psalm 29. "The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace (NIV)." John Wesley in his sermon "The Almost Christian" points out that God delights to work through people for the good of the world. Humanity was God's stewards of creation going all the way back to Genesis. This does not mean we are on our own to handle natural disasters. Quite often God's blessings in our lives are meant to be used to help others. Wesley puts it this way. Those who are given ability have the responsibility to act. Uncle Ben put it this way, "With great power comes great responsibility." The blessing of God is quite often the Holy Spirit moving in our lives to will and to act for God's glory. One way you can help the people in Japan is by offering to help through UMCOR the United Methodist Committee on Relief. Won't you prayerfully consider how God's prompting in your life today and give as you are able?

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