Friday, September 10, 2010

Where will you go?

In life's journey we are all moving to somewhere - even if we are simply being pushed by time. If we are not just existing then presumably we are headed in some direction. This by its very nature means leaving things behind, by choosing to walk towards something else. This is the very nature of repentance. There are so many roads we might take. However, none of them leads to the good life that never ends. None that is, except the road that leads to Christ. What does it mean to you to follow Christ and walk with Him? I think I'll be forever indebted to Bill Hogan for this statement. "If you are not stretching you are not growing. If you are not growing you are not living. If you are not living you are just existing." Are you content to just exist? Are you content to just go through the motions at work or at church? Or, are you ready to start stretching towards Christ? It's time to leave behind all of those things you love that hurt you so much. It's time to reach out to God who has plans for you to prosper you and bring you peace.

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