Monday, September 13, 2010

Be Prepared

The day I more fully devoted myself to Christ I was thinking a lot about my days as a Boy Scout when it dawned on me there is a lot more to being prepared than I thought as I child. I remember that first camping trip. I think my mother packed my bag and I must have had not only the kitchen sink, but the washer and dryer too. This was being prepared with everything I could possibly need. When I got a little older and started back packing, and  learned there were things I could do without. However, as I got older, always wondering what I should be prepared to handle when life is constantly throwing curve balls began to make me paranoid and pessimistic about what was around the corner. I think it was a part of my growing up to realize I have to be prepared for things to go well. On the day I fully devoted myself to Christ I realized the thing I should have been prepared to give it all to God first.

In my devotion time this morning I came across Matthew 6:16-18 where Jesus explains to them in their fasting they should not allow themselves to look bad. That just draws attention to yourself and the aid of others. That's not the point. The point is to grow more fully reliant on God. It reminds me of James 1:2-4. However, when life sends curve ball after curve ball again and again it is hard to seek ye first the kingdom of God. What I like about the passage from James is it is followed with hope in verses three and four. Part of discipleship is withstanding the crud life has to throw at you, and that is not always easy. It can make us hard, paranoid and pessimistic if we try to withstand it on our own. However, like fasting, perseverance in faith can help us to become more reliant on God for His help. Why is it we are so eager to attack the problem on our own? Why is it I am so quick wade in and solve a problem, and so slow to give it to God first and ask for His assistance? 

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