Friday, October 29, 2010

Loving God When I'm Not On Top

Several years ago I was discharged from a position. I was young, and had made some very bone headed mistakes, and my employer exercised their right to let me go. To make things more difficult I was living in a city some 400 miles from my family. I needed help in the worst way. I felt rejected and tossed aside. God was trying to get my attention and working to get through all of the busyness in my life to drive home a message. I can rely on God even when I am not on top. This is the point of the 9th chapter of Jan Johnson's book Enjoying the Presence of God. So often Christians feel as though we have to present this image of Christ in our lives that never worries, never gets scared, and is never weak and on our knees. I don't think the world expects that of us, and I wonder if we do the world a disservice by hiding our fears. Paul explains God's grace and power is made perfect in our weakness. I think it is okay to be knocked down by the world so long as we decide not to wallow in self pity, and instead turn to God for strength. Is that easier said than done? Sometimes. But if we do not step out into the waters of faith a little we will never know just how deep God's love for us really is.

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