Monday, October 25, 2010

Walk the Walk

St. Augustine once wrote, "Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary use words." This quote plays very nicely with the sixth chapter of Jan Johnson's book Enjoying the Presence of God. This chapter details ways we can do Random Acts of Kindness for people we find it difficult to pray for, and to do those acts as if we were doing them for God. To put it another way; to offer service to others with our heart, mind, soul and might. I have tried to apply this line of thought to my school work, and sadly, on several occasions, have burned myself out in the process. For me it does not work well with school work. However, it does work well with Habitat Projects, serving others through the Mana ministry at church, or through Room In The Inn, or making breakfast at the Uptown Homeless Shelter. It's a terrific way to share the love of God without beating people over the head and shoulders with the gospel.

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