Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Mountain of God

In the Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis the boy Eustace and his classmate Jill are transported to Aslan's mountain in the world where Narnia lives. After Eustace is blown to Narnia by Aslan, Jill is given a specific set of instructions. She is specifically told the air upon the mountain is clearer, but down in Narnia it is much thicker and it will be difficult to hear the voice of Aslan.

Here in the real world, away from works of fiction, the Christian walk is full of mountain top experiences. Many people have them, if only once in their lives. These experiences touch us in deep emotional ways. Unfortunately we do not remember emotions as well as we are taught to remember ideas and facts. We may remember what happened, and not be able to relive the sensation. I think this is very similar to what C.S. Lewis was trying to communicate in the Silver Chair.

Jesus spoke to this problem in Luke 21:34-36 when he tried to teach the Sadducees who were testing Him. Jesus told them to watch their hearts so they will not become confused by this world. The air is very thick here in the real world. We have all kinds of distractions, specifically in American society. These distractions are a trap. Do not be seized by them. Please do not forget there is a place where the air is clear, and you can hear Jesus' voice very clearly right beside you.

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