Saturday, October 2, 2010

How Majestic is His Name...

This morning I am concerned the illustrations on this blog will give some pause to wonder about my calling. After all if District Committees and Conference Boards of Ordained Ministry didn't try to put the screws to me I'd have to wonder whom else they let through without checking. I'd really just like to make this plain.

I love God, and I am amazed at his creation. As Psalm 8:3,4 puts it, "When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established: what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them (NRSV)?" God has a wonderful and awe inspiring creative spirit. For reasons that are His alone He has seen fit to give me a bit of that same spirit. I tried making a career out of using those gifts, but it didn't work. I almost quit drawing because of that experience. However, God used this gift to help me to recover, and has encouraged me to keep drawing. I am still trying to work out how God would like me to use this gift for his Kingdom, but creative communication has appeared on every spiritual gift inventory I have taken.

I have absolutely no doubt God has called me to ordained ministry. As an elder in the United Methodist Church I will do everything I can to serve God, my family, the church where I have been placed, and then if I have a little time I may squeeze in a little time to draw. If God shows me ways to use this gift to benefit His kingdom I will gladly do so. For me it's no different than helping a class room understand a difficult passage of Scripture on their own terms or stopping to help a motorist with a flat tire on the side of the road. I love God, and will serve Him gladly.

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