Friday, October 1, 2010

The Unexpected

Unexpected - 1. not expected or anticipated; 2. causing surprise or wonder or amazement
eg. A boy walking through the woods was unexpectedly attacked by a wood burning stove with an ax to grind.

The unexpected is often difficult to handle. We get our lives all set in the direction we want to go, and then POW out of the blue our plans get changed. Here's just one good example from the Bible. Joseph was having wonderful dreams of being raised up to rule over his ten older brothers, when they attacked him and sold him into slavery. It happened to me to! I had this good job working as a product designer. Sure I was struggling a little, but I thought if I just kept my head down, and kept on plugging I could work through the difficulties. God was calling me to something else. Joseph held to his faith, and God blessed him; making him overseer of all Egypt. After a difficult walk through the wilderness God brought a wonderful woman into my life. He has guided me to seminary, where I am now married with our first baby due any day. Our lives do not often turn out the way we plan, but if we hold to our faith they will turn out as God intended. To do that means deciding to look to God when things get hard.

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